Is it true that Masks from male semen can make facial skin smooth and youthful?


Healthy Living - Many myths say that sperm, aka male semen can be used as a face mask. Although it sounds a bit strange, maybe even disgusting, is there really a benefit for male sperm for the face?

The content in male semen

Not many people know that man's seminal fluid is actually rich in nutrients. Per 100 milliliters (ml) of thick vaginal discharge released by the penis can contain 0.5 grams of protein from 200 different types.

Seminal fluid is also known to be high in zinc, which can help meet 3% of your body's daily needs. In addition, semen contains less fat, carbohydrates, fructose, and calcium.

Are there any benefits of semen as a face mask?

Some time ago, the trend of using semen for face masks had boomed because of the claims of the benefits of the spermine they contain. Spermine is a derivative of the substance spermidine in male semen. Spermidine is believed to contain antioxidants that can disguise wrinkles and fine lines so as to make the skin look younger.

A study published in the journal Nature Cell Biology in 2009 tested the theory by injecting spermidine directly into human skin cells. The result, spermine seems to have the potential to slow down the aging process of the skin. However, the actual benefits of semen itself for the skin when used as a face mask can not be ascertained.

What about the other nutritional content of sperm? The protein content in sperm is believed to make the skin look radiant and supple and tight. Unfortunately, this theory has not been proven validly by qualified medical research. Even if seen from the amount, the amount of protein in semen is so small that it is judged not to have any effect on your skin

Proteins found in skin care usually come in the form of amino acid peptides. But until now, the benefits of protein for the skin can only be proven efficacious when consumed from food.

Similarly, the zinc content. Zinc in semen has long been believed to be useful for treating acne when used as a face mask. Zinc is also believed to trigger the production of collagen to repair aging skin cells. But again, there is no strong evidence from valid medical research that can support the theory.

Until now there have been no suggestions or suggestions from health and beauty experts to use semen as a face mask. Nutritionists, dermatologists, and beauty experts believe that the benefits of protein and zinc for skin beauty will only be maximized if obtained from the consumption of healthy foods.

Using semen for a face mask is actually risky for health

The benefits and side effects of using semen as a face mask are not yet certain. However, this beauty trend is inseparable from the possibility of negative risks. Applying male semen directly to the skin can cause severe allergic reactions to infectious infections if the source is unclear and not examined further. How come?

As mentioned above, sperm contains 200 different types of protein. This can trigger allergic reactions in some people. Sperm allergy is also known as plasma protein hypersensitivity. The mildest allergic reaction can be redness, dryness, swelling, and itching. While severe cases of sperm allergy can trigger anaphylactic shock.

The worst possibility, applying semen with unclear origins can increase your risk of communicable diseases. This is very possible if the semen comes from men who have venereal disease, both known and unknown.

Disease-causing germs can enter the skin tissue, especially if you have open sores or acne scars. Semen that contains the disease can also enter the body when mixed with mucus on the lips, nose, or eyes. Some types of venereal disease that are susceptible to transmitted through this method are herpes, chlamydia, and gonorrhea.

If the semen enters the eyes, the risk is not only limited to red eye irritation. However, it can also cause ocular herpes and chlamydial conjunctivitis.
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