Danger of Squeezing Acne in the Face Area

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Healthy Living - When the pimples appear, it feels itchy hands to immediately squeeze and break it. Even though it doesn't feel like squeezing pimples, it's good to start thinking a thousand times first. According to many doctors and experts, carelessly squeezing zits especially in the face triangle area can cause death. Wow! How did it happen?

Get to know the deadly triangle area on the face

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According to Dr. Amesh A. Adalja, a certified infectious disease doctor from the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in Pennsylvania, United States, the human face has a special area called the death triangle.

The death triangle or the so-called triangle of death is the area of ​​the face that starts from the base of the nose (center of the eyebrows) to the two corners of the mouth.

For more details, try mirroring and positioning your thumb and forefinger to form a triangle. Then, place the tip of the triangle at the base of the nose and the base under the lips.

The area in the triangle is called the triangle of death. As an illustration, you can see the picture above.

The danger of squeezing pimples in the face triangle area

According to Dr. However, the face triangle area is directly connected to the blood vessels in the skull. When an infection occurs, the spread can take place quickly and the effect is more serious.

If the zits in this triangle area break, the entrance for the bacteria to infect the body is very wide open. Incoming bacteria can easily move and infect blood vessels in the area of ​​the brain. Moreover, the distance that must be passed to get to the brain is quite short. This can cause dangerous complications that can be life threatening.

In addition, just below the nose and mouth there are four main cranial nerves that control functions in and around the face. When one of these nerves has a severe infection, you can experience paralysis in some parts of the face. In fact, motor function can also be disrupted and you risk losing sight.

That is why squeezing pimples in the face triangular area is potentially a dangerous play. Even after you squeeze pimples you don't have a serious infection, this habit can cause pockmarked skin. In addition, the squashed area will usually be darker than the surroundings.

Tips for treating facial skin with acne

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After knowing the danger of squeezing pimples in the face triangle area, don't try to do it anymore.

The most important thing that needs to be done is not to hold the face with your hands especially in a dirty state. If the pimples break on their own, clean the wound with clean tissue or cotton. Then, compress using hydrogen peroxide.

You can also apply petroleum jelly to the broken area of ​​the zit to prevent scar formation. Don't forget to clean your face and acne area every day with mild soap and warm water.

Preferably, ask for doctor's help if the pimples in the area don't go away. Call your doctor immediately if there are various signs of infection, such as redness, pain, and pus that keeps coming out.
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