Recognizing the Signs of Work Stress and Tips for Dealing with It


Healthy Living - In an increasingly competitive work world, work stress is one of the common mental health problems that can be experienced by anyone. Learn more about the characteristics, causes, and ways to overcome stress at work below.

What is work stress?

Occupational stress is a stressful condition caused by excessive emotional pressure due to work demands.
This condition can occur due to various factors, such as excessive workload, lack of support, and imbalance between personal life and work.
If stress at work is not handled properly, it will trigger burnout syndrome.
Burnout syndrome occurs due to prolonged work stress that causes physical and emotional fatigue, reducing productivity and quality of life.
Therefore, it is important for you to recognize the signs of work stress early on so that you can immediately take preventive measures.

Characteristics of experiencing work stress


Job stress can cause a variety of symptoms, both physical and emotional.
Physical symptoms you may experience when experiencing job stress include:

  • prolonged fatigue,
  • headaches or migraines,
  • muscle pain, especially in the neck and back,
  • digestive problems, such as stomachaches and diarrhea,
  • sleep disturbances, such as difficulty falling asleep or sleeping longer, and
  • smoking or drinking more alcohol than usual.

In addition, occupational stress can be characterized by emotional changes, such as:

  • Feelings of excessive anxiety or worry
  • Easily getting angry or offended
  • Difficulty focusing and concentrating
  • Always being overwhelmed and liking to put off work
  • Feeling trapped or helpless while at work
  • Loss of motivation, such as often being late for work
  • Distancing oneself from others at work or home

Causes of work stress

There are many reasons why your job might be causing you stress. Here are some of them.

  • Work overload: Complex job demands or excessive working hours can lead to feelings of overwhelm that trigger stress.
  • Lack of support: An unsupportive work environment, whether from your boss or coworkers, can exacerbate stress.
  • Conflict in the workplace: Disputes, harassment, or bullying in the workplace can create lingering feelings of discomfort and tension.
  • Unclear job roles: Unclear job roles can lead to confusion.
  • Poor work environment conditions: An uncomfortable work environment, such as noise, poor lighting, or suboptimal temperatures, can trigger stress.
  • Work-life imbalance: A disrupted work-life balance can lead to prolonged stress.

How to deal with stress at work


Dealing with work stress is not easy. However, you can take some simple steps below to reduce its impact.

1. Set work priorities

Arrange the tasks you want to do according to priority scale. Focus on the most important tasks and try to complete them first.
Don't do many tasks at once. The habit of multitasking actually risks causing you to be overwhelmed and stressed.

Communicate with superiors and coworkers

Don't hesitate to talk to your superiors or coworkers if you feel that the workload is too heavy. Good communication is the key to solving problems. Support from superiors and coworkers can also help reduce stress and increase productivity.

3. Always prioritize self-care

Exercising regularly and implementing a healthy diet are self-care steps that you can take to maintain physical and mental health. Activities that relax the mind such as meditation can also overcome stress. For example, you can do a 5-minute meditation technique in between work hours.

4. Take a break between work

Take time to take a break between work hours to help restore energy and reduce work-related stress. Taking a break in the middle of your busy schedule can relax your mind, improve your focus, and increase your productivity.

5. Take advantage of vacation time

You can't completely avoid work stress. So, make the most of your vacation time to really rest and relieve fatigue after work.
Taking time to relax, take a vacation, or just get away from your daily routine can help you return to work with new energy.
Don't let stress take over your life. Take the necessary steps to create a balance between your personal life and work.
If stress has started to interfere and you can't handle it on your own, consider seeking professional help, such as from a counselor or psychologist.