3 Effective Heating Moves Prevent Cramps When Swimming

3 Gerakan Pemanasan yang Ampuh Mencegah Kram Saat Berenang

Healthy Living - For fans of swimming, cramps in the abdomen and legs often occur, especially for those who are beginners. So that this condition can be avoided, see the discussion about how to warm up which can prevent cramps while swimming below.

Cramps occur due to lack of heating

Muscle cramps are a condition when the muscles tighten to cause sudden pain. This condition can occur in several areas, such as the stomach, legs, and calves.

One of the causes of muscle cramps is excessive use of muscle power when exercising, including when swimming.

Usually, this happens because you don't warm up, like stretching, so the muscles aren't ready when used for exercise.

There are several things that can be factors that cause cramping when swimming, namely:

  • Electrolyte loss
  • Lack of heating
  • Tense muscles
Even though this condition is common to anyone, still cramping during swimming can prevent you from swimming and making it uncomfortable.

Therefore, to avoid this situation, let's follow a number of ways to prevent cramping when you swim.

Heating to prevent cramps while swimming

One of the most important things that you do not experience cramps while swimming is to often drink water. It is intended that the body be trained before and after swimming exercises.

As reported by Swim England Masters, besides drinking water, you also have to fill the stomach before entering the water. However, try not to be too full and make your stomach too bloated to prevent you from vomiting.

After that, you can do some warm-up movements to stretch your muscles. This movement can be done for two minutes before you swim.

1. Gastrocnemius stretch

The most common stretching motion to prevent muscle cramps while swimming is the stretch gastrocnemius.

This movement can be done in certain ways, namely:

  • Stand with one foot in front and attach the other foot to the wall.
  • Bend your front legs and make your back legs straight with your heels still touching the floor.

  • You do this movement correctly if you feel the muscles in the back of your legs stretch.

2. Plantar fascia stretch

One way to prevent cramping while swimming is to stretch aided by stairs or walls.

  • Stand with one foot in front and place your toes on the steps or walls.
  • Try to bend your knees until your front foot feels tighter.

3. Alternative plantar fascia relieve

In addition to using stairs or walls, the plantar fascia can also be done using a number of assistive devices, such as a golf ball or tennis ball. How to do it:

  • Turn your feet on the ball.
  • If it hurts, help by using warm water so that the muscles feel more relaxed.

Tips for stretching

After doing the warm-up motion, you also need to pay attention to some of the tips below when stretching your muscles.

  • Stretch for 10 seconds in sequence and repeat three times.
  • Try to swim with a slow tempo for the initial five minutes.

  • Stretching in water will make the body cool faster. That is why, it is better to jog, walk leisurely, or other warming movements outside the pool for 20 seconds.
By undergoing various warm-up methods to prevent cramping above, you can be free from cramps while swimming. Your activities in the pool can run smoothly and comfortably.

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